Immersive theatre - Arena Games - Quests - Puzzles - Larping - themed music - feasts + special FX.
Combat LARP in the medieval fantasy world of Tabula Rasa.
CosyLARP for all the Hobbits to celebrate the changing of the seasons
Yes, but what about 2nd LARP?
You'll have done away with the Elf on the Shelf and finally be in a mood to be fiscally bad, Baby, so come on down and hit us up for the Boding Day Sale.
Let's get one going!
Adrocian Chronicles Weekender
QLD MiniQuest
You'll have done away with the Elf on the Shelf and finally be in a mood to be fiscally bad, Baby, so come on down and hit us up for the Boding Day Sale.
Ears for EVERY body!
... Even IF... anyone DOES... say... Jehovah!
Because nothing has been scarier than 2020 itself
We've run Of Science & Swords for 10 years now!
Imagine a LARP that ran ALL YEAR LONG
The Dracolite collaboration is now available!
Heaps of Epic Armoury, with CoCs, up for grabs!
More LARP is coming to Melbourne
Support a new take on battlesports
Follow Nic in his first adventure into the world of Live Action Role Play with Melbourne's very own Swordcraft!
Ignore the picture