General Location: Boddington, WA
Event Frequency: Bi-Annual
Type of Game: Story LARP
Setting: Concord LARP is a roleplay heavy, combat optional weekend event set in the fictional world of Esterra. The player can choose to be from one of five realms, each of which has lore and culture accessible in the Concord Play Guide found on the website or Facebook page.
Membership Fees: n/a
Session Fee: $100-$150
Weapons and tent hire available
Typical Attendance per Event: 100-200
Age Retrictions: none
Minimum Requirements For New Players: Concord LARP strives to some level of immersion. It is recommended costumes don't contain any obvious modern elements, just as jeans or sneakers. Simple, basic kits are acceptable.
Email: [email protected]
Trigger Warnings
- Player participatory violence
- Potential high impact gore
- Potential drug references and/or use
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