Article successfully added.

Guzman Long Medieval Belt

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Simple leather belt, it has a golden square buckle and you can see the bifid tip detail at the end of the belt. It also has two brass rivets to give it firmness. This belt has a fall forward, as it was characteristic in medieval times. It can be found in different waist sizes. In addition it is also in black and brown.

This product has been made by Spanish artisans, using totally authentic skins and leathers. The domain in the cutting, preparation and tanning of skins typical of the regions of northern Andalusia and southern Valencia, is where we find these workshops with tradition in skins that go back generations. The use of traditional techniques both in sewing and in the cutting of the pieces, makes each article unique in itself.

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Rawblade is a B2B company focused on the world of medieval reenactment and LARP. Rawblade contributes to the market with their know-how of Spanish crafts, a long tradition of furs and leather, as well as steel. Inspired by the famous Toledo steel, Rawblade develops a set of armours and chainmails.


The human team behind Rawblade is formed from the experience acquired at EvilTailors, as well as the various platforms that have been integrated into its collective over time. The hard work, designs, and ideas that make up the Rawblade catalogue are the result of inspiration in the world of medieval fantasy that has accompanied them since childhood. We believe Rawblade offers a quality wardrobe at a very competitive price.


Rawblade attempts to use products and producers primarily from Spain. All their leather goods are made 100% in Spain adding the seal of quality to the crafts. Their foam creations, clothes, and steel are designed and made in Spain and India.

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You are a citizen of the Roman Empire, and a professional heavy infantryman of the Roman Army. You enlisted in your legion for twenty-five years of service, and you are both relieved and anxious to know you have only a few years left.

As you double-check that your military-issued Roman Belt and other armour is secure, you feel prepared alongside your fellow soldiers to go into battle. You just hope that your training will continue to serve you well. At the very least, you have confidence in the sharpness of your weapon.


Epic Armoury’s Roman Belt is a belt inspired by the military belt worn by ranking Roman soldiers. The Roman Belt’s five hanging leather plates and metal fittings protect the groin, but ultimately this is more for a show of rank than for armour.

Made from heavy canvas and rimmed with soft leather, this belt is constructed to prevent tearing or deforming in order to provide a durable solution to your Roman-inspired costume. With a sturdy cotton cord tied at the back, adjust this belt to a large range of sizes to fit your unique body.


  • Referred to as a cingulum militare, or military belt, and was worn as a badge of rank by Roman soldiers
  • Belts have been documented for male clothing since the Bronze Age between 3200–600 B.C.
  • More commonly a male fashion item, with the exception of the Middle Ages
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The "Mina" line was made as an armour for women, drawing from historical and fantasy sources for inspiration.
The Armour Belt is, just like the entire "Mina" series, built similary to the "Balthasar" series: decorations with rivets along the edge beading are a returning design element in both armours. Both armour series can easily be combined with each other. The two-piece belt is being worn on the hip and can be adjusted with leather straps in the front and in the back. A slim built and swung lines provide the distinct shape to this belt.

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The "Mina" line was made as an armour for women, drawing from historical and fantasy sources for inspiration.
The Armour Belt is, just like the entire "Mina" series, built similary to the "Balthasar" series: decorations with rivets along the edge beading are a returning design element in both armours. Both armour series can easily be combined with each other. The two-piece belt is being worn on the hip and can be adjusted with leather straps in the front and in the back. A slim built and swung lines provide the distinct shape to this belt.

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The "Vladimir" armor belt is the appropriate thigh protection to the "Vladimir" Torso armour. It consists of segmented tassets which are attached to a sturdy belt of split leather by means of enclosed leather straps. With additional eyelets, the tassets can be placed in different places of the belt and are therefore optimally adjustable for individual size and body shape. This armor is self-sustaining and can be worn without a torso armour. It can also be combined with chain mails or leather armour.

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Material: 1.2 mm steel, split leather
Length: 33 cm
Width of tassets: 37 cm
Circumference: approx. 134 cm
Weight: 2.8 kg
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Material: 1.2 mm steel, split leather
Length: 33 cm
Width of tassets: 37 cm
Circumference: approx. 134 cm
Weight: 2.8 kg
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$53.95 *

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  • RW-3200202-S
Simple leather belt, it has a golden square buckle and you can see the bifid tip detail at the... more
Product information "Guzman Long Medieval Belt"

Simple leather belt, it has a golden square buckle and you can see the bifid tip detail at the end of the belt. It also has two brass rivets to give it firmness. This belt has a fall forward, as it was characteristic in medieval times. It can be found in different waist sizes. In addition it is also in black and brown.

This product has been made by Spanish artisans, using totally authentic skins and leathers. The domain in the cutting, preparation and tanning of skins typical of the regions of northern Andalusia and southern Valencia, is where we find these workshops with tradition in skins that go back generations. The use of traditional techniques both in sewing and in the cutting of the pieces, makes each article unique in itself.

Material: Leather
Maintenance: Use leather wax regularly to prolong product life. Only clean using proper leather soap, following instructions closely.
Related links to "Guzman Long Medieval Belt"