Article successfully added.

Blanche Cap

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The Blanche Cap is inspired by the headdresses of young ladies during the Renaissance period. Made of sturdy canvas it protects against wind and weather on colder days. To prevent the interior from growing unpleasantly hot, the portion of hood right over the head is not lined. The nape of the neck is cut high so that the hood may also be worn easily with a braid or bun.

Blanche can be used for many traditionally female outfits; from the farmer's wife to the lady-in-waiting, it can be combined with many garments.

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The padded coif "Leopold" is, like a classic coif, fixed under the chin with two sturdy ribbons of cotton. Under a helmet, it gives this considerably more wearing comfort and protective effect. Of course, it can also be worn as a stand-alone headgear.

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Oh no, you think, as a sword and a helmet are thrust into your farm-calloused hands. You’ve never been trained as a soldier, let alone asked to fight on a dangerous battlefield!

But here you are, suddenly standing in a row of your neighbors with your helmet secured over a padded Undercap. You await the advancing orc raid headed for your farms and your town, and you just hope that somehow you’ll make it through. At least your helmet feels solid on your head. That’s something to be thankful for, at least...right?


Epic Armoury’s Undercap is a padded hood that fits over the head and ears comfortably. Made from quilted cotton canvas lined with a soft polyester interior and a medium cotton outer layer, this padding can be worn on its own or as padding beneath a heavy steel or leather helmet.

The Undercap is stitched to ensure the padding will remain evenly spaced. Secure it to your head by tying the cotton cords under the chin. With its neutral style, the Undercap will work on a wide variety of characters. Match it with other Epic Armoury armours and clothes to fit your unique style!


  • Used as padding under chainmail or plate armour
  • Historically, a high-medieval European gambeson was recorded as being capable of stopping sword blows from penetrating the skin
  • Could stop heavy arrows and mace and axe impacts with the addition of overlaying chainmail
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This type of helmet was called "cervelliere" (scull cap) and introduced in the 13th century and was supposed to be worn underneath a great helmet in addition to the coif of mail.

Getting out of style in the 14th century, they became popular in the 16th century again, when worn by lansquenets under their felt or leather hats.

This simple model has a big opening for the face and a central crest along. The neck is enlongened to offer better protection to this area. The back part is decorated with two rows of rivets.

The helmet is delivered with an inner liner of foam and a leather chin strap.

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Material: 1.2mm steel
Colour: blank
Size: up to 60cm circumference

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Material: 1.2mm steel
Colour: blank
Size: up to 60cm circumference

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The "Rafael" cap might look familiar for many fans of a famous filmtrilogy. It is a signature feature for mongers, merchants, magisters, clerics (or even the mischievous consultant of a mayor) but can be added to many other concepts as it is one of the most common medieval headdresses. It is made from wool and lined with light cotton, thereby great to warm your head and to drain moisture away from your body.

Material: wool, cotton

Size diameter in cm:

  • Small - 56
  • Medium - 58
  • Large - 60
  • X-Large - 62
  • 2XL - 64

Measure around the head above the ears for the most accurate approximation of required size.


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The "Rafael" chaperon is cut like one of the most common medieval headdresses, worn by women as well as by men. It proceeded the gugel that was rolled, worn on the head with the tip of the hood led below the chin and fixed on the other side. Later on it was directly cut as a chaperon.

Material: wool, polyester

Size diameter in cm:

  • Small - 56
  • Medium - 58
  • Large - 60
  • X-Large - 62
  • 2XL - 64

Measure around the head above the ears for the most accurate approximation of required size.

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The bonnet was a common female headwear in Europe and North America untill the modern times. It was worn in various shapes, colours and sizes.

The Anna bonnet is made wide so the wearer can fit their long hair or brainds underneath it easily. The wide brim protects from the sun, the wide cut allow for good air flow, especially important in Australian heat.

Ideal for medieval markets or LARPs in summer, this bonnet is the perfect roundup for many down-to-earth costumes.

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Armin is a medieval head wear for men. It´s available in three sizes, to fit almost everyone. Especially if they work as a chef or other type of kitchen worker. We recommend to decorate the Armin cap additionally with embroidering, a feather or a broach.

This kind of head wear is called the italian beret and was developed from the "pillbox" headwear. It was mostly worn by townspeople and citizens of southern europe in the late medieval period until the renaissance. While younger people used to wear the cap to the side, cardinals and other authorities wore them erected (see the doge of venice).

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$23.99 *

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  • 973174
The Blanche Cap is inspired by the headdresses of young ladies during the Renaissance... more
Product information "Blanche Cap"

The Blanche Cap is inspired by the headdresses of young ladies during the Renaissance period. Made of sturdy canvas it protects against wind and weather on colder days. To prevent the interior from growing unpleasantly hot, the portion of hood right over the head is not lined. The nape of the neck is cut high so that the hood may also be worn easily with a braid or bun.

Blanche can be used for many traditionally female outfits; from the farmer's wife to the lady-in-waiting, it can be combined with many garments.

Related links to "Blanche Cap"