Aradani Studio Prosthetics Coming Soon

The cosplayers have been telling us and telling us and we're finally caving to demands.

Aradani Studios prosthetics for LARP and Cosplay are now available to order via Of Science & Swords!

Just head over to our prosthetics section.

So why choose Aradani prosthetics? The Bielaczyc family has almost two decades of experience in fantasy cosplay and making their own stuff. But there's more to it than that. The prosthetics were originally designed and developed to deal with the climate in Tennessee, so they're well suited for use in all Australian climates. They're a solid, evenly distributed and high quality latex, with a very fleshy feel to them. This allows them to take all manner of permanent paints or temporary water based make ups easily, as well as removing them without wearing the prosthetics too much. They're also made incredibly durably, perfect for the biff that goes on at Australia's most well attended LARP games.

Lastly, they're a supplier that understands social responsibility.

Here at OS&S, we understand wanting to be a hero. But the best way to do that in a magic free world is to look out for one another. Wherever possible, we attempt to take our business to companies that have stated policies of doing right by others.

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