General Location: Holden Hill Community Centre - 82 Valiant Rd, Holden Hill, SA ,5088
Event Frequency: Monthly
Type of Game: Story-line LARP
Setting: Dancers in the Neon Dusk is a Changeling: the Lost campaign where players take on the role of changelings struggling to survive in a harsh cyberpunk city. There are also mysteries in the world to explore, cases to investigate, and people can make their mark through downtimes and political strategies on Detroit itself. If the changelings aren’t careful, the whole freehold could end up exposed and on the run from terrible entities bent on their destruction or return to Arcadia.
Membership Fees: See ARC Membership
Session Fee: $12 / $10Conc
Typical Attendance per Event: 10-30
Age Retrictions: 18+
Minimum Requirements For New Players:
A range of fashion is suitable. Makeup and prosthetics suitable to your changeling are encouraged. Augmentations and equipment need a physical indicator so other players know what you are using.
Email: [email protected]
Trigger Warnings:
- Player particpatory violence
- Drug use and/or references
- Potential restraint of indiviudal
Associated With: ARC
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