- Salisbury Scout Hall, Memorial Ave, Salisbury SA 5108
- Athelstone Tennis Club, Range Rd, Paradise SA 5075
Event Frequency: Monthly
Type of Game: Heavy Roleplay Combat LARP with Puzzle Elements
Setting: A gothic fantasy world with horror elements set in a Renaissance era world without gunpowder weapons where player characters strike out on a quest to defeat an evil vampire before his ritual plans can be fulfilled.
Membership Fees: See ARC Membership
Session Fee:
- $20 General Admission
- $16 Concession
Some Weapons & Shields available for hire at event
Typical Attendance per Event: 10-30
Age Retrictions: 18+
Minimum Requirements For New Players:
"Rule of Cool" costume that is vaguely medieval to Victorian era. Some flexibility with interpreting materials that make up different armour types.
Website: https://arc-adelaide.com.au/the-eternal-veil/
Facebook: www.arc-adelaide.com/the-eternal-veil
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/arc_adelaide/
Email: [email protected]
Trigger Warnings:
- Player Participatory Violence
- Potential Scenes of High Impact Gore
- Realistic rat & insect props
Associated With: ARC
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