General Location: Rooty Hill, NSW
Event Frequency: Weekly
Type of Game: Combat LARP, Battlesport
Setting: Battlecry AoM takes place in the medium-fantasy pre-gunpowder world of Markoth. With a blend of unique cultures, styles and themes, the game has both a geo-political and a overarching plotline.
Players fight with low level magic, medieval style weapons and rudimentary siege engines. We strive toward great costuming by rewarding the effort in a class based system design to give each person a moment to shine.
Membership Fees: None
Session Fee: First 2 games free, then $12 thereafter
Weapon, Shield, and Armour hire available
Typical Attendance per Event: 50-100
Age Retrictions: 16+
Minimum Requirements For New Players:
No Min requirements - new players will be provided equipment for first night
Instagram: @battlecrylarp
TikTok: @battlecrylarp
Email: [email protected]
Trigger Warnings
- Player Particpatory Violence
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