Dantir: Beyond the Stones
The Court of the Stag
Location: Rowallan Scout Camp, Riddell's Creek
Player and NPC Info
Numbers are limited!
Deposits are required prior to secure ticket, balance paid at event. Bookings close 14 Sept 2018.
Bookings by email only
Event game play includes some linear games and some freeform time.
Costume and Weapons available for hire at the event so you don't have to have your own!
For instructions on what to bring, being an NPC or other New Player information, please see:
Weekend long event!
Start Friday 28 Sept 8 PM
Finish: Sunday 30 Sept 5 PM
Cost: $200 Player / $100 NPC
Prince includes:
All game play, two nights accommodation (heated dormitory, bunk beds), and some meals.