General Location: Adelaide, South Australia
Event Frequency: Annual
Type of Game: Story-line / Combat LARP - there is role play, but the combat is the focus (LARP weapons)
Setting: 100 years in the future after a devastation event called the desolation ripped the modern world apart. Now people live in small tribes fighting off mutated horrors the desolation created.
Membership Fees: Free, but registration required
Session Fee: ~$110, includes training.
Typical Attendance per Event: 40-60
Age Retrictions: 18+
Minimum Requirements For New Players: The weapons must meet our safety requirements (most larp weapon brands), costuming must be at least weathered and fit the theme of your faction or role.
Email: [email protected]
Associated With: Adelaide Roleplaying Community Inc
Other LARP in South Australia
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