General Location: Wandi, WA - Wandi Community Hall
Event Frequency: Monthly
Type of Game: Combat LARP
Setting: Warhearts is a medieval fantasy game, set in a world called Bespredel. This is represented by a hex map, which the Empires try to control and battle over. Almost any type of medieval fantasy is allowed.
Membership Fees: $20 LARP West membership
Session Fee: $10
Typical Attendance per Event: 40-60
Age Retrictions: 14+
Minimum Requirements For New Players: Minimum standards are that, at a glance, the character appears to fit into the medieval world. A tabard/gambeson and pants which look passable. All weapons must be approved by the Marshalls, or be of accepted brands.
Email: [email protected]
Associated With: LARP West
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