Heroes Odyssey - Caboolture

General Location: Caboolture, QLD - Caboolture Showground
Event Frequency: Weekly

Type of Game: Story-line LARP & Combat LARP

Setting:A medieval and Fantasy based LARP in the land of Moriandel where Houses fight and negotiate for control of the land. Great monsters of unbelievable power clash with both heroes and villains, a land where one can either become Moriandel's greatest warrior, or become it's ruler.

Membership Fees: None
Session Fee: Weekly events: $5 for your first night event, $12 afterwards. Weapon hire $5.
Weekend Events: $20 per day, $15 per night to camp, $5 weapon hire, $10 for feast (Discounts may apply if attending full event. See Facebook event for further information)

Heroes Pass: $100 = 10 night events, 1 day event & further discounts apply!

Typical Attendance per Event: 21-40

Age Retrictions: 14+, minors must have parental permission

Minimum Requirements For New Players:
Black clothes with no identifiers. And a sense of adventure and fun! Open your mind to the greatest adventure ever!

Website: http://www.heroesodyssey.com.au/
Email: [email protected]
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/heroesodysseyLARP/

Special Events: Various weekend events throughout the year

Associated With: Heroes Odyssey

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