General Location: Beenleigh, QLD - Leighton Fields
Event Frequency: Weekly
Type of Game: Story-line LARP & Combat LARP
Setting: Our LARP is based within the fantasy world of Solendium. Our different chapters base their stories from different continents within our world. At our Edens Landing location we fight in Vantacor, at our Elimba chapter we fight in Moriendel.
Membership Fees: None
Session Fee: $10 for nightly, $25 for day events
Typical Attendance per Event: 40-60
Age Retrictions: 14+, minors must have parental permission
Minimum Requirements For New Players:
Everyone is welcome from first time attending to seasoned veterans. We do ask the first timers wear plain cloths, without logos. Most of our Houses (groups we break off into) have kit that they can loan out to players.
Email: [email protected]
Special Events: Various weekend events throughout the year
Associated With: Heroes Odyssey
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