General Location: Heiden Park, Carramar NSW 2163
Event Frequency: Once Per Month
Ancilliary Events: Various events held
Type of Game: Storyline LARP - the RP is the primary focus, combat is rare is there.
Setting: "Magic, Might, and Mutations!"
The end is coming? Nah, mate. The end is already here, and you're living in it.
RAGNAROK is a post-apocalyptic science-fantasy LARP set in the perpetual end-times of the 1980s, a time infused with rock, magic, leather, bullets, wizards, and really cool motorbikes. We're influenced by real-world mythology and paragons of the fantasy and survival genres - think Mad Max: Fury Road meets Lord of the Rings meets Fallout: New Vegas meets Shadowrun meets the Shannara Chronicles.
We're a roleplay-oriented LARP with a huge focus on story. The world will change based on the decisions you and your fellow characters make - shape the end of the world as you see fit!
It's your party, and no matter what happens, it's gonna ROCK."
Session Fee: Free
Weapon hire available
Shield Hire Available
Armour Hire Available
Costuming Hire Available
Typical Attendance per Event: 30-50
Age Retrictions: 16+
Minimum Requirements For New Players: Lowest barrier to entry possible, any and all clothing will work for our games.
Email: [email protected]
Trigger Warnings:
- Player Participatory Violence
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