Swordcraft - Gathering Storms

General LocationKariong Scout Camp - NSW
Event Frequency: Annual

Type of Game: Longform

Setting:A series of cataclysmic events have left the island of Nehr Vorten devastated and the coasts almost uninhabitable. The survivors of these catastrophes are drawn towards the mountains for safe haven in a desperate bid for fresh water, food and shelter.

As the desperate, the opportunistic and the prophetic all descend upon what's left of Elvenholme, will all sides be able to coexist?

Membership Fees: None
Session Fee: $60

Typical Attendance per Event: 20-60

Age Retrictions: 16+

Minimum Requirements For New Players:
In character kit. Bring a tent.

Website: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/swordcraft-newcastle-gathering-storms-tickets-51449314284
Email[email protected]
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/swordcraftnewcastle/

Associated With: Swordcraft

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