You are cordially invited to the Winter Ball to celebrate the coronation of Her Majesty Juanita De La Rosa I.
As the days grow shorter and nights lengthen the barriers between this world and the next wane. There is safety in the darkness which heralds one to take a new seat of power. Steward Juanita De La Rosa is ascending to a new mantle of power, in uncertain times, promise is on the horizon.
Swordcraft's Winter Ball is on once again. So get out your masks and your easily concealed knives, because there will be jackanapes alongside the canapes... ok, the joke doesn't work if you pronounce words correctly, but it's hard to pronounce anything at all as you clutch your throat after being poisoned!
To make things even more treacherous, Swordcraft's Iron Triangle (South Australia) shall be hosting their own ball a week after, in conjunction with AVCon, so make sure you've got your cloaks and daggers ready!
Dates: July 14th (A Night of Masks) & July 21st (Iron Triangle Ball)
Tickets: A Night Of Masks - Iron Triangle Ball
Tickets Available At Door:? No. Iron Triangle Ball tickets will be available at AVCon
Location: A Night Of Masks: Abbotsford Convent - Iron Triangle Ball: Coopers Ale House