The third winter approaches. The three settlements square off, tensions high - and the Old World erupts with the fires of war, as religious rebels in Padrice burn their crops and hang their lords.
How will you make your life in this dark and terrible land? Will you survive, thrive, or succumb to the beasts in the wilderness? How will you balance your conflicting loyalties in this brave frontier? How will you find enough food to survive the winter?
Come to The Burning Fields, and find out.
Blackpowder & Bloodlines is a Live-Action Role-Playing experience about conflict and colonialism, set in a Renaissance fantasy world.
There are three settlements in this region of the so-called “New World”.
The first, Old Adelina, is a colonial settlement of human colonists loyal to the Old World and the Churches of Sollun. The second is the brave human village of Charleston which has declared itself independent and rejected all offers of outside help. Close by, several powerful indigenous clans of the Uruk people have made Eisguthur their permanent home and are steadily gathering more of their people into one place.
Date: May 24-26
Cost: $200 for a full weekend LARP, catering included
Click here for tickets
Location: Eumeralla Scout Camp, Anglesea
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