A soft humming could be heard emanating from the Temple. Inside, the Prophets Leara and Arael prayed to the Gods, calling for guidance. A single candle was lit at the altar of each Aspect, flickering their light against the Temple walls. A sudden breath of air swirled inside the room and all but three went out. Arael gazed upon the remaining candles and spoke aloud, “Indulgence, Moderation, and Wrath. Is this who they want us to find?”
“I see them,” Leara turned her blind eyes toward her brother. “I see their names: The Bountiful, The Wise, and The Undying.”
“We must call the Blood Priestess and prepare for the Houses,” Arael answered.
Date: April 19 - 24
Cost: $175
Click here for tickets
Location: Mafeking Adventure Park, VIC
Associated With: Exodus
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