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You have travelled a long way to get here, and even though this battle does not hold any greater personal cause for you, the payment more than makes up for your lack of conviction. “It does not pay to have principles.” Casual...
$156.95 *

The massive heat feels like a cyclopean wave shrouding and suffocating every soldier standing on the arid ground outside the city of Etakia. “Stand your ground! Hold the formation!” your captain screams. You notice how the fellow...
$410.95 *

Ride on riders of the North, ride on to battle, ride on to glory The polyurethane foam Outrider Greaves from Epic Armoury is all about combat efficiency. This set of greaves is painted to look like real steel and is accentuated by...
$215.95 *

You are a Paladin now, serve right and justice one last time. The Palace Guard Cuirass and tassets from Epic Armoury is made from lightweight polyurethane and offers comfort and performance on the battlefield. This armor covers the...
$527.95 *

I will unite instead of divide. I will bring armies together to defeat evil! You are now amongst the elite. The armor you wear must withstand the harsh battles ahead. The Palace Guard Pauldrons from Epic Armoury are made from sturdy...
$137.95 *

Vest in yourself the Code of your King and you will find salvation! Whether you need to defend a kingdom or take on a simple quest, the Palace Guard Greaves from Epic Armoury is an excellent choice. To begin with, these polyurethane...
$195.95 *

I will protect even those I hate, so long as it is right! Defending those who cannot fend for themselves is the way of the Palace Guard. The polyurethane Palace Guard Helmet from Epic Armoury has an iconic Barbuta look but is much...
$176.95 *

If I must fall, I will rise each time a better stronger soldier. When trying to be the best in battle, it is important to use armour that gives you the upper hand. The Palace Guard Vambraces from Epic Armoury are constructed from...
$107.95 *

They are barbarians, and they think that the customs of their tribe are the laws of nature. The awesome Barbarian Cuirasse from Epic Armoury is a polyurethane armor comprised of a breastplate and backplate designed to provide...
$468.95 *

You fear punishment and beg for your lives, so I will set you free! The polyurethane Barbarian Greaves from Epic Armoury is a unique way to shield your shins at your next Larp event. This pair of foam leg armor covers your lower legs...
$254.95 *

You can take the barbarian out of the tavern, but he can take the blood out of your body. The polyurethane Barbarian Pauldrons from Epic Armoury provides maximum maneuverability to the pitiless warrior. This pair of...
$234.95 *

Foam archeologists are pretty certain these came from a dig in the former Mesothelioma empire in the Middle East Your clan needs blood in order to perform a powerful ritual before battle. You have captured many new slaves,...
$19.95 *

The curvature made them an equally good fit in the hand for slicing throats in the dark, or hurling them towards the same throats from the shadows. In the dangerous tunnels of your home beneath ground, staying alive requires...
$19.95 *

There are guests in your family’s forest, and you have been tasked with guiding them past the tree’s many secrets. These guests are not fae folk, and so they walk with heavy and clumsy footfalls into sinking pits and bear dens. Were it...
$124.95 *

Please note: This design has been discontinued in 2019 and is no longer available for purchase. For similar designs, please see the Stronghold Elven Hunter's Blade and the Dark Elven Blade. Stronghold is Epic Armoury's new range of...
$124.95 *

While your adventuring party may not agree with your code, you will not be disheartened. The tenants of your faith have fortified you into the person you are: a noble warrior, pure of heart and a representative of justice. So, when...
$124.95 *

As she quietly slits the guard’s throat with a swift and controlled movement, Cas makes sure to hold him, so he doesn’t make any noise and attracts unwanted attention, when he hits the ground. The devious Lord that hired her and a...
From $176.95 *

Rolant unties his horse from the hitching post in front of the scrubby tavern. After asking around for the girl that he is targeting, he is even more disgruntled. What seemed to be a rather uncomplicated task, has turned into a sly...
From $176.95 *

The Kriarian midday sun is beating down on the spectators, as they are watching the great tournament. Percyval is getting ready for the preliminary rounds of sword fencing; his squire is helping him put on the last piece of armour. He...
From $194.95 *

A murder of crows frantically scampers away in all directions crawing, as Drurgha The Devourer kicks one armoured leg through the rotting wooden gate that was their resting place a moment ago. He fiercely stomps down the road. Behind...
From $211.95 *

There are guests in your family’s forest, and you have been tasked with guiding them past the tree’s many secrets. These guests are not fae folk, and so they walk with heavy and clumsy footfalls into sinking pits and bear dens. Were it...
$132.95 *

You could guide those guests through your forest, but the Elder's don't know how dangerous they will become. Best to simply have them feed the roots of the trees and be done with it. Stronghold’s Elven Hunter Blade is a medium sword...
$132.95 *

You could guide those guests through your forest, but the Elder's don't know how dangerous they will become. Best to simply have them feed the roots of the trees and be done with it. Stronghold’s Elven Hunter Blade is a medium sword...
$132.95 *

They say that the axe does not remember the trees, even though the trees will always wear their memories as scars from blade of the axe. The night elves are here to remind the wielders of the axe how easily blades can be turned....
$132.95 *

"And so I said to Olaf, I said, now with this belt I no longer have to worry about all the ethical issues of animal skins. I just don't have to worry about cruelty to animals at all while I'm off on my raids. It's such a relief I can...
$19.00 *

An alternative to animal hide, these pleather bags allow you to keep your viking look without harming another. A sizable internal volume, easy to use clip, and strap on the rear for slipping a belt through make these easy to wear,...
$39.95 *

An alternative to animal hide, these pleather bags allow you to keep your viking look without harming another. Embalzoned with Thor's hammer, Mjolnir , this pouch even opens up to become a suitable dice mat! A sizable internal...
$29.95 *

An alternative to animal hide, these pleather bags allow you to keep your viking look without harming another. A sizable internal volume, easy to use clip, and strap on the rear for slipping a belt through make these easy to wear,...
$39.95 *

"And so I said to Olaf, I said, you do your spine so much damage when you hoist your great hammer like that when smashing in skulls.You need to lift from your knees, sure, but also support your lower back like I do!" ...
$145.00 *

"And so I said to Olaf, I said, there are two wolves inside of you and do you know what he said? He said 'Gunnar, that's the dumbest analogy I've ever heard,' as he pulled his hammer out of an English Monk's brain 'everyone contains...
$145.00 *

An alternative to animal hide, these pleather bags allow you to keep your viking look without harming another. A sizable internal volume, easy to use clip, and strap on the rear for slipping a belt through make these easy to wear,...
$39.95 *

An alternative to animal hide, these pleather bags allow you to keep your viking look without harming another. Emblazoned with a Valknut, the symbol for the realms of the Norse afterlife, this pouch even opens up to become a suitable...
$29.95 *

An alternative to animal hide, these pleather bags allow you to keep your viking look without harming another. Embalzoned with a knotwork to entrap the fae minds that attempt to beset you on your travels. A sizable internal volume,...
$29.95 *

A basic set of seven Polyhedral dice for use at games. Includes: 1D4 1D6 1D8 2D10 (one marked for use in percentile rolls) 1D12 1D20 Carry pouch included
From $50.00 *

A basic set of seven Polyhedral dice for use at games. Includes: 1D4 1D6 1D8 2D10 (one marked for use in percentile rolls) 1D12 1D20 Carry pouch included
$50.00 *

Soooooo, these dice aren't actually made from jelly. Because that'd roll terrible, even though it'd taste amazing. So don't stick the Jelly Dice in your mouth, no matter what your inner dice goblin says. Even if it tells...
$20.00 *

A basic set of seven Polyhedral dice for use at games in a slick, glossed black acrylic. Includes: 1D4 1D6 1D8 2D10 (one marked for use in percentile rolls) 1D12 1D20 Carry pouch included Note: Colours...
$12.00 *

A set of seven super fabulous Polyhedral dice you can use to show your pride at games, with unicorns high! Includes: 1D4 1D6 1D8 2D10 (one marked for use in percentile rolls) 1D12 1D20 Unlike most of our dice sets,...
$35.00 *

A basic set of seven Polyhedral dice for use at games. Includes: 1D4 1D6 1D8 2D10 (one marked for use in percentile rolls) 1D12 1D20 Carry pouch included Note: Colours may vary from images shown (e.g....
$10.00 *

A basic set of seven Polyhedral dice for use at games. Includes: 1D4 1D6 1D8 2D10 (one marked for use in percentile rolls) 1D12 1D20 Carry pouch included Note: Colours may vary from images shown (e.g....
$15.00 *

So many dice simply aren't suitable for players of a fae inclination. A set of seven Polyhedral dice for use at games. Includes: 1D4 1D6 1D8 1D10 1D% 1D12 1D20 Carry pouch included
$25.00 *

All of the castles that you storm shall be as sand before the tides with these dice, filled with memories of the beach Includes: 1D4 1D6 1D8 2D10 (one marked for use in percentile rolls) 1D12 1D20 Carry pouch included
$45.00 *

Crush all those that come before you with of an unreasonable size! Includes: 1D4 1D6 1D8 2D10 (one marked for use in percentile rolls) 1D12 1D20 Carry pouch included
$60.00 *

Runes can be used to divine portents of the future. Sure, you could use something as complex as tarot and spend hours attempting to ascertain meaning, or you could try it all with a toss of the dice... Or for a less astrological use,...
$20.00 *

Look, we can't think of flavour text for all of these. Just go watch The Mighty Ducks or something to be inspired, ok? Includes: 1D4 1D6 1D8 2D10 (one marked for use in percentile rolls) 1D12 1D20 Carry pouch...
$45.00 *

You've always wanted to be a GM, but being able to react to situations outside of your pre-written story on the fly has always thrown you. Dod the D&D thing and just roll the appropriate dice, then use the iconographs to dictate...
$24.95 *

The only dice suitable to fuel the incredible sorcery of an archmage! Includes: 1D4 1D6 1D8 2D10 (one marked for use in percentile rolls) 1D12 1D20 Carry pouch included
$60.00 *