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Lonnar's Throwing Hammer

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Quick Overview

In the middle of the battle and in a dire position, Bertmund (illusionist soldier) and Arafinway (elven archer) are facing a certain death. The only thing left is Arafinway’s Lonnär hammer, which he holds tight, ready to fight until the end.

Suddenly, Bertmund has an brilliant idea.

"Arafinway, throw your hammer at the horde coming at us!", yelled the soldier trying to be heard through the furious clatter of steps coming towards the two lonely soldiers. "Trust me, throw your hammer as far as possible!"

Not getting the slightest glimpse of the strategy, the younger threw his hammer as far as he could while the illusionist chanted his spell. As his magic is only illusions, his plan is to terrify the ennemy force and scare it to death.

During its flight, the heavy hammer shattered in a great cloud of smoke and sparks, Far too late, the horde saw a million smaller hammers flying towards them, hitting each one of them as strong as the original one. One by one they fell, clubbed to death by the strength of the hammer’s magic.

When the dust settled, the two guardians approached the carnage, speechless. Arafinway picked up his hammer, that was without a scratch!

"How is this possible", stammered the flabbergasted Elf.

They soon understood that, with the combined strength of their dragon eggs, the guardian’s hammer was powerful enough to create the illusion of thousands of smaller hammers, but also to really change them into these hammers, ready to use in future battles.


The Lonnär throwing hammer is a truly unique throwing weapon. Without a core and made of safe Calimacil foam, it can be thrown at your ennemies without any danger. This hammer has the same colour scheme of the full-size one: silver head and brown handle with a wooden finish. This gives an unrivalled realism to the weapon, that can be thrown years without breaking, thanks to the legendary Calimacil foam!

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Founded in 2004 in the cold windswept plains of the eastern Canada, Calimacil set out from its inception to become a world-class supplier of high-end LARP and historical re-enactment foam weapons. Our lavishly decorated designs are inspired by the martial lore of history, legends and stories taken directly from the dreamscapes of heroic fantasy. Our products are manufactured by an eager band of artisans made of passionate LARP players, martial arts practitioners and hardcore gamers. Playing is a fundamental part of the company's ethos as it focuses our creative energies and drives us to create new exciting weapons models. best foam weapon to play with.

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A decade passes and The Hammer is reborn!

Introducing the Lonnar II - The Next Evolution of Seyrawyn's Masterpiece!

Now with updated colors for a more realistic feel, the Lonnar II brings new dimensions to your battles. The weathered Cherry wood staff complements the intricate craftsmanship, making it feel like a true extension of your arm.
This exceptional hammer offers versatility like never before. With two available staff lengths, you can choose the shorter version for swift and precise strikes in close combat. Alternatively, opt for the longer staff for two-handed combat, granting you a better reach to take on foes from a distance.
The Lonnar II retains the signature two ram heads and engraved middle piece, created by the master craftsmen at Calimacil in collaboration with Seyrawyn, the literature universe brand behind the Seyrawyn weapons collection. The result is a stunning profile that demands attention on the battlefield. The metallic red gem on top exudes an air of regal power, hinting at the force it carries.
Embracing the spirit of the original Seyrawyn universe, runes along the grip add a touch of mystique and allure to the design. You'll find yourself entranced by its beauty even as you wield it with unwavering determination.
Crafted with the renowned durability of Calimacil's masterful work, the Lonnar II is a weapon that will stand the test of time and countless epic encounters.
Forge your path to glory with the Lonnar II - a truly grand novelty from Calimacil's forge, where the imaginative world of Seyrawyn meets unmatched craftsmanship. Your foes won't know what hit them when faced with the might of the Lonnar II in your hands!


Can you feel the earth moving, young one? Hold this impressive hammer in your hands and you'll see what I mean. It's heavy, I know, but it's for a purpose: the two ram heads are unique symbols, identifying you as a guardian of the land of Aezur. For many years before you, warriors, trackers and even some magicians have used this hammer to fight and repel invaders. It’s not called The Warrior for nothing: soon you’ll see the sky is shaking too. See the runes on the handles? They represent the family ties between our two viking gods, the father and the son: Tyr, god of justice, and Lonnar, guardian of nature's secrets. Soon you’ll be able to wield it like a true defender, and you’ll always remember where you’re from, even if you run astray. Now hold it high above you, and take heed of the powers you’ve been given.


This hammer was born from the imagination of Martial Grisé when he created the Seyrawyn universe, and raised by the master craftmen at Calimacil. Such a complex and intricate piece is a first for us with un-sword-like pieces, but as you can see, the result is stunning! Soft enough for hard-hitting but as durable as our classic weapons, this hammer’s two ram heads give an amazing profile to the engraved middle piece. Moreover, this royal hammer has the perfect length to give you a head-start with any combat situation... Complete with a suede leather covering on the handle, an emerald-type foam gem on top and runes on each side of the ring around the grip, Lonnar’s hammer is truly a grand novelty in Calimacil’s forge.


The Lonnar Hammer II, a Viking-inspired masterpiece adorned with ancient runes and ram-shaped heads, is the weapon of choice for a fierce LARP warrior. Symbolizing strength, leadership, and ancestral wisdom, they command respect on the battlefield, embodying their Viking heritage with unwavering loyalty. With each swing, the warrior embraces the essence of their Viking heritage, drawing upon the wisdom passed down through generations. The runes etched into the hammer's handle serve as a reminder of the divine blessings granted by the gods. As a leader among their clan, this LARP character inspires their fellow warriors, rallying behind the standard of their people. With the Lonnar Hammer II in hand, they forge a legend that echoes through the ages, embodying the proud and mighty Norse spirit. 
Currently available in Small 84cm and Large 114cm
*Sizes and styles available may vary across production runs
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Founded in 2004 in the cold windswept plains of the eastern Canada, Calimacil set out from its inception to become a world-class supplier of high-end LARP and historical re-enactment foam weapons. Our lavishly decorated designs are inspired by the martial lore of history, legends and stories taken directly from the dreamscapes of heroic fantasy. Our products are manufactured by an eager band of artisans made of passionate LARP players, martial arts practitioners and hardcore gamers. Playing is a fundamental part of the company's ethos as it focuses our creative energies and drives us to create new exciting weapons models. best foam weapon to play with.

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  • LO30XX
Quick Overview In the middle of the battle and in a dire position, Bertmund (illusionist... more
Product information "Lonnar's Throwing Hammer"

Quick Overview

In the middle of the battle and in a dire position, Bertmund (illusionist soldier) and Arafinway (elven archer) are facing a certain death. The only thing left is Arafinway’s Lonnär hammer, which he holds tight, ready to fight until the end.

Suddenly, Bertmund has an brilliant idea.

"Arafinway, throw your hammer at the horde coming at us!", yelled the soldier trying to be heard through the furious clatter of steps coming towards the two lonely soldiers. "Trust me, throw your hammer as far as possible!"

Not getting the slightest glimpse of the strategy, the younger threw his hammer as far as he could while the illusionist chanted his spell. As his magic is only illusions, his plan is to terrify the ennemy force and scare it to death.

During its flight, the heavy hammer shattered in a great cloud of smoke and sparks, Far too late, the horde saw a million smaller hammers flying towards them, hitting each one of them as strong as the original one. One by one they fell, clubbed to death by the strength of the hammer’s magic.

When the dust settled, the two guardians approached the carnage, speechless. Arafinway picked up his hammer, that was without a scratch!

"How is this possible", stammered the flabbergasted Elf.

They soon understood that, with the combined strength of their dragon eggs, the guardian’s hammer was powerful enough to create the illusion of thousands of smaller hammers, but also to really change them into these hammers, ready to use in future battles.


The Lonnär throwing hammer is a truly unique throwing weapon. Without a core and made of safe Calimacil foam, it can be thrown at your ennemies without any danger. This hammer has the same colour scheme of the full-size one: silver head and brown handle with a wooden finish. This gives an unrivalled realism to the weapon, that can be thrown years without breaking, thanks to the legendary Calimacil foam!

Height: 30cm
Depth: 10cm
Width: 25cm
Weight: 100g
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