Article successfully added.

Freydis Dagger

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Freydis was one of the leaders of a dangerous expedition to Vinland. Many perils awaited her and her group: hunger, disease and strange natives with unknown forces and tactics. After her arrival, things were quick to become sour: relentless attacks made her allies weakened and fearful. During one of such raids, she saw her allies and warriors fleeing the battle. But she would not budge. Grabbing her sword, she proceeded to inflict herself a terrible wound to show her comrades she would not back down. With an inspiring battlecry, she charged head first into battle, which shook her allies, who came to her side. The sword she held this day became legend, and many believe they will never know fear while holding it.



Brass-coloured, the guard and pommel surround a leather-like handle, adorned with brass rings. Its thin blade is silver for an added realism. The whole dagger is made of the safest foam there is: the Calimacil foam. With its increased durability and safety, the sword will remain to your side for years.


This blade was made with Vikings in mind. However, many other germanic characters can use it to its fullest, such as barbarians, noblemen and shieldmaidens. However, it’s not because this sword is prestigious that Orcs and dark liches can’t profit from its sharp blade, so stay alert!

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Founded in 2004 in the cold windswept plains of the eastern Canada, Calimacil set out from its inception to become a world-class supplier of high-end LARP and historical re-enactment foam weapons. Our lavishly decorated designs are inspired by the martial lore of history, legends and stories taken directly from the dreamscapes of heroic fantasy. Our products are manufactured by an eager band of artisans made of passionate LARP players, martial arts practitioners and hardcore gamers. Playing is a fundamental part of the company's ethos as it focuses our creative energies and drives us to create new exciting weapons models. best foam weapon to play with.

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The Valkyrie's Sword

Freydis was one of the leaders of a dangerous expedition to Vinland. Many perils awaited her and her group: hunger, disease and strange natives with unknown forces and tactics. After her arrival, things were quick to become sour: relentless attacks made her allies weakened and fearful. 

During one of such raids, she saw her allies and warriors fleeing the battle. But she would not budge. Grabbing her sword, she proceeded to inflict herself a terrible wound to show her comrades she would not back down. With an inspiring battlecry, she charged head first into battle, which shook her allies, who came to her side. The sword she held this day became legend, and many believe they will never know fear while holding it.


Freydis is the first sword to feature our new handle. Brass-coloured, the guard and pommel surround a leather-like handle, adorned with brass rings. Its thin blade is silver for an added realism. The whole sword is made of the safest foam there is: the Calimacil foam. With its increased durability and safety, the sword will remain to your side for years.


This blade was made with Vikings in mind. However, many other germanic characters can use it to its fullest, such as barbarians, noblemen and shieldmaidens. However, it’s not because this sword is prestigious that Orcs and dark liches can’t profit from its sharp blade, so stay alert!
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Founded in 2004 in the cold windswept plains of the eastern Canada, Calimacil set out from its inception to become a world-class supplier of high-end LARP and historical re-enactment foam weapons. Our lavishly decorated designs are inspired by the martial lore of history, legends and stories taken directly from the dreamscapes of heroic fantasy. Our products are manufactured by an eager band of artisans made of passionate LARP players, martial arts practitioners and hardcore gamers. Playing is a fundamental part of the company's ethos as it focuses our creative energies and drives us to create new exciting weapons models. best foam weapon to play with.

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The street is a hard place to conduct business, but it’s a way of life you’ve become very good at keeping. Unfortunately, a poor ol’ sap hasn’t paid his dues. You’re an understanding sort, but you can’t risk looking soft. Not on the street.

So, you decide to give the ol’ sap a visit. Removing your dagger from your Full Scabbard, you prepare your most intimidating look. You don’t expect this meeting to last very long. You’ll get your money today or the chap will be missing a few pints of blood. You’ll let him decide.


Epic Armoury’s Full Scabbard Dagger is a leather scabbard designed to protect your weapon from the elements, while keeping it conveniently close. This 33 cm scabbard will accommodate a weapon up to 7 cm wide. Soft polyester-wool padding has been added to the inside to protect your weapon, while also making it easy to withdraw.

Match this Full Scabbard Dagger with any character you wish to equip--especially a well equipped rogue!--by securing the holder to your belt through the belt loops. One loop is longer than the other, so the scabbard will sit on the belt at an angle. Made from vegetable-tanned full-grain leather and a hardened leather tip to prevent damage to your weapon, this weapon holder is built to keep its shape and withstand the abuse of a LARP with regular leather care.

Available in colours Brown and Black.


  • Historically made from a variety of materials, including leather, wood, and metal
  • Typically worn suspended from the belt or baldric
  • Protected the sword’s sharpened edge from becoming dull or accidentally harming the wearer
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You are a citizen of the Roman Empire, and a professional heavy infantryman of the Roman Army. You enlisted in your legion for twenty-five years of service, and you are both relieved and anxious to know you have only a few years left.

As you double-check your military-issued Roman Dagger and sword are securely in their holders, are feel prepared alongside your fellow soldiers to go into battle. You just hope that your training will continue to serve you well. At the very least, you have confidence in the sharpness of your weapon.


This bestselling Ready For Battle Roman Dagger is a war-knife designed to be the perfect companion to the Ready For Battle Roman Sword. It has a long, thin blade and a small cross-guard protecting the split-leather wrapped handle and round pommel.

Made from durable closed cell foam around a fibreglass core and finished with a strong latex coating, you can feel confident that your LARP weapon will provide the safety and appeal you want when crafting your Roman-inspired kit.


  • Roman legionaries were issues a dagger, or “pugio” similar to this one
  • Meant to be used as the final line of defense, and also as a utility tool
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The Ready for Battle (RFB) range is a light-hitting range designed with children and light-touch LARPs in mind. 

It may not be suitable for medium-to-heavy hitting LARP games.

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The Ready for Battle (RFB) range is a light-hitting range designed with children and light-touch LARPs in mind. 

It may not be suitable for medium-to-heavy hitting LARP games.

" ["prems_upprice_detailpage_show_dynamic_text"]=> string(1) "0" ["pickware_incoming_stock"]=> string(1) "0" ["pickware_physical_stock_for_sale"]=> string(1) "0" ["pickware_stock_management_disabled"]=> string(1) "0" ["pickware_stock_initialized"]=> string(1) "1" ["pickware_stock_initialization_time"]=> string(19) "2019-03-07 03:04:17" ["prems_upprice_for_article_tax"]=> NULL ["is_swag_bundle"]=> string(1) "0" ["cbax_google_title"]=> NULL ["cbax_google_description"]=> NULL ["cbax_google_category"]=> NULL ["cbax_google_is_bundle"]=> NULL ["cbax_google_identifier_exists"]=> NULL ["cbax_google_multipack"]=> string(1) "0" ["cbax_google_age_group"]=> NULL ["cbax_google_gender"]=> NULL ["cbax_google_adult"]=> NULL ["cbax_google_size_system"]=> NULL ["cbax_google_size_type"]=> NULL ["cbax_google_size"]=> NULL ["cbax_google_condition"]=> string(3) "new" ["cbax_google_material"]=> NULL ["cbax_google_color"]=> NULL ["cbax_google_pattern"]=> NULL ["cbax_google_energy_efficiency_class"]=> NULL 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Your Knight’s Code is one of valor, truth, and courage. You are tasked with defending the innocent and the weak, and today your oath is being tested. A Dark Knight has destroyed both your shield and sword during a duel, and he advances upon you.

This honorless fiend believes he has won, but you will not allow yourself to perish without taking this evil with you in the process. You grab for your Basic Dagger still at your waist, and prepare to make a final desperate attempt to lodge the blade between the Dark Knight’s armour.

Let your god guide your hand...for you have only one chance.


Epic Armoury’s Ready-for-Battle Basic Dagger is a solid dagger with a comfortable split-leather wrapped handle. The cross-guard and pommel are rounded, designed as a basic interpretation of a knight’s “rondel dagger.” When fighting enemies in heavy plate armour, daggers like this would have been worn by a knight and forced between the joints.

Made from durable closed cell foam around a fibreglass core and finished with a strong latex coating, you can feel confident that your LARP weapon will provide the safety and appeal you want when crafting your authentic kit. Whether your business is running the realm, defending your homestead or backstabbing the higher-social classes, this multi-purpose tool is for you.


  • Similar handle design to a “rondel dagger,” which was used by a variety of people from merchants to knights
  • Worn at the waist and used as both a utility tool and a side-arm in battle
  • Historically designed for stabbing or cutting, while proving ineffective at slashing
" ["esd"]=> bool(false) ["articleName"]=> string(16) "RFB Basic Dagger" ["taxID"]=> int(17) ["tax"]=> float(10) ["instock"]=> int(6) ["isAvailable"]=> bool(true) ["hasAvailableVariant"]=> bool(true) ["weight"]=> float(0.2) ["shippingtime"]=> NULL ["pricegroupActive"]=> bool(false) ["pricegroupID"]=> NULL ["length"]=> float(55) ["height"]=> float(3) ["width"]=> float(5) ["laststock"]=> bool(false) ["additionaltext"]=> NULL ["datum"]=> string(10) "2013-03-15" ["update"]=> string(10) "2023-06-30" ["sales"]=> int(0) ["filtergroupID"]=> NULL ["priceStartingFrom"]=> NULL ["pseudopricePercent"]=> NULL ["sVariantArticle"]=> NULL ["sConfigurator"]=> bool(false) ["metaTitle"]=> string(29) "Ready For Battle Dagger Basic" ["shippingfree"]=> bool(false) ["suppliernumber"]=> string(6) "402280" ["notification"]=> bool(true) ["ean"]=> string(13) "5704742102866" ["keywords"]=> string(69) "larp,epic armoury,larp,melee weapon,dagger,rfb,basic,ready for battle" ["sReleasedate"]=> string(0) "" ["template"]=> string(0) "" ["attributes"]=> array(3) { ["core"]=> object(Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute)#2800 (1) { ["storage":protected]=> array(68) { ["id"]=> string(3) "157" ["articleID"]=> string(2) "84" ["articledetailsID"]=> string(3) "157" ["attr1"]=> NULL ["attr2"]=> NULL ["attr3"]=> NULL ["attr4"]=> NULL ["attr5"]=> NULL ["attr6"]=> NULL ["attr7"]=> NULL ["attr8"]=> NULL ["attr9"]=> NULL ["attr10"]=> NULL ["attr11"]=> NULL ["attr12"]=> NULL ["attr13"]=> NULL ["attr14"]=> NULL ["attr15"]=> NULL ["attr16"]=> NULL ["attr17"]=> NULL ["attr18"]=> NULL ["attr19"]=> NULL ["attr20"]=> NULL ["swag_bonus_exclude"]=> string(1) "0" ["prems_upprice_for_article_value"]=> string(1) "0" ["prems_upprice_for_article_name"]=> NULL ["prems_upprice_for_article_type"]=> NULL ["prems_upprice_for_article_quantity"]=> NULL ["prems_upprice_for_article_ordernumber"]=> NULL ["prems_upprice_for_article_notice_detailpage"]=> string(245) "

The Ready for Battle (RFB) range is a light-hitting range designed with children and light-touch LARPs in mind. 

It may not be suitable for medium-to-heavy hitting LARP games.

" ["prems_upprice_detailpage_show_dynamic_text"]=> string(1) "0" ["pickware_incoming_stock"]=> string(1) "0" ["pickware_physical_stock_for_sale"]=> string(1) "6" ["pickware_stock_management_disabled"]=> string(1) "0" ["pickware_stock_initialized"]=> string(1) "1" ["pickware_stock_initialization_time"]=> string(19) "2019-03-07 03:04:17" ["prems_upprice_for_article_tax"]=> NULL ["is_swag_bundle"]=> string(1) "0" ["cbax_google_title"]=> NULL ["cbax_google_description"]=> NULL ["cbax_google_category"]=> NULL ["cbax_google_is_bundle"]=> NULL ["cbax_google_identifier_exists"]=> NULL ["cbax_google_multipack"]=> string(1) "0" ["cbax_google_age_group"]=> NULL ["cbax_google_gender"]=> NULL ["cbax_google_adult"]=> NULL ["cbax_google_size_system"]=> NULL ["cbax_google_size_type"]=> NULL ["cbax_google_size"]=> NULL ["cbax_google_condition"]=> string(3) "new" ["cbax_google_material"]=> NULL ["cbax_google_color"]=> NULL ["cbax_google_pattern"]=> NULL ["cbax_google_energy_efficiency_class"]=> NULL ["cbax_google_expiration_date"]=> NULL ["cbax_google_sale_price_effective_date_start"]=> NULL ["cbax_google_sale_price_effective_date_end"]=> NULL ["cbax_google_adwords_redirect"]=> NULL ["cbax_google_promotion_id"]=> NULL ["cbax_google_promotion"]=> NULL ["cbax_google_excluded_destination"]=> NULL ["cbax_google_custom_label0"]=> NULL ["cbax_google_custom_label1"]=> NULL ["cbax_google_custom_label2"]=> NULL ["cbax_google_custom_label3"]=> NULL ["cbax_google_custom_label4"]=> NULL ["deactivate_color_preview"]=> string(1) "0" } } ["marketing"]=> object(Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Product\MarketingAttribute)#2898 (4) { ["isNew":protected]=> bool(false) ["isTopSeller":protected]=> bool(false) ["comingSoon":protected]=> bool(false) ["storage":protected]=> array(0) { } } ["search"]=> object(Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute)#2730 (1) { ["storage":protected]=> array(3) { ["__product_id"]=> string(2) "84" ["__variant_id"]=> string(3) "157" ["__variant_ordernumber"]=> string(8) "15470140" } } } ["allowBuyInListing"]=> bool(true) ["attr1"]=> NULL ["attr2"]=> NULL ["attr3"]=> NULL ["attr4"]=> NULL ["attr5"]=> NULL ["attr6"]=> NULL ["attr7"]=> NULL ["attr8"]=> NULL ["attr9"]=> NULL ["attr10"]=> NULL ["attr11"]=> NULL ["attr12"]=> NULL ["attr13"]=> NULL ["attr14"]=> NULL ["attr15"]=> NULL ["attr16"]=> NULL ["attr17"]=> NULL ["attr18"]=> NULL ["attr19"]=> NULL ["attr20"]=> NULL ["swag_bonus_exclude"]=> string(1) "0" ["prems_upprice_for_article_value"]=> string(1) "0" ["prems_upprice_for_article_name"]=> NULL ["prems_upprice_for_article_type"]=> NULL ["prems_upprice_for_article_quantity"]=> NULL ["prems_upprice_for_article_ordernumber"]=> NULL ["prems_upprice_for_article_notice_detailpage"]=> string(245) "

The Ready for Battle (RFB) range is a light-hitting range designed with children and light-touch LARPs in mind. 

It may not be suitable for medium-to-heavy hitting LARP games.

" ["prems_upprice_detailpage_show_dynamic_text"]=> string(1) "0" ["pickware_incoming_stock"]=> string(1) "0" ["pickware_physical_stock_for_sale"]=> string(1) "6" ["pickware_stock_management_disabled"]=> string(1) "0" ["pickware_stock_initialized"]=> string(1) "1" ["pickware_stock_initialization_time"]=> string(19) "2019-03-07 03:04:17" ["prems_upprice_for_article_tax"]=> NULL ["is_swag_bundle"]=> string(1) "0" ["cbax_google_title"]=> NULL ["cbax_google_description"]=> NULL ["cbax_google_category"]=> NULL ["cbax_google_is_bundle"]=> NULL ["cbax_google_identifier_exists"]=> NULL ["cbax_google_multipack"]=> string(1) "0" ["cbax_google_age_group"]=> NULL ["cbax_google_gender"]=> NULL ["cbax_google_adult"]=> NULL ["cbax_google_size_system"]=> NULL ["cbax_google_size_type"]=> NULL ["cbax_google_size"]=> NULL ["cbax_google_condition"]=> string(3) "new" ["cbax_google_material"]=> NULL ["cbax_google_color"]=> NULL ["cbax_google_pattern"]=> NULL ["cbax_google_energy_efficiency_class"]=> NULL 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The only reason a person carries around a wavy blade is because they want their victim to feel every stab as painfully as possible. You keep your Spider Dagger hidden beneath your cloak, waiting for the opportune moment to seek your revenge.

The man who has taken everything--your friends, your money, and even your good name--will emerge from the tavern, drunk and unaware what lurks in the alley waiting for him. You will make him pay dearly.


Epic Armoury’s Spider Dagger is designed for particularly evil characters, including those inspired by our Dark Elven Universe. The 26 cm wavy latex blade is meant to inflict greater pain, with a spider-web design carved into its surface to give it an eerie appearance. With great detail, the crossguard and pommel are sculpted and handpainted to appear jeweled and expensive, protecting an 11 cm handle wrapped in split-leather.

Whether you are an evil henchman or the nasty mastermind on the prowl, this is the dagger for you. Made from durable closed cell foam around a fibreglass core and finished with a strong latex coating, you can feel confident that your LARP weapon will provide the safety and appeal you want when crafting your kit.


  • Similar to an Indonesian Kris, which originated around 300 B.C.
  • Wavy blades are supposed to cut more while stabbing, which creates a wider wound
  • Was often associated with naga or dragons
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Your clan needs blood in order to perform a powerful ritual before battle. You have captured many new slaves, and the chief has decided to force them into a tournament. The losers shall be sacrificed.

As the clan’s shaman, you await your first victim. There are cheers and roars of excitement from your fellow orcs as a human soldier is forced to fight one of his companions. In desperation to survive, his friendship quickly withers. His beaten opponent is brought before your altar, and with your Cutter you take the blood you need.


Epic Armoury’s Cutter is a 41 cm dagger designed to match the Choppa, the orc’s weapon of choice. The Cutter is a distinctly orcish weapon, featuring a 24 cm battle-worn serrated blade. The small triangular crossguard protects a 12 cm split-leather wrapped handle and a coreless matching pommel.

Made from durable closed cell foam around a solid fibreglass core and finished with a strong latex coating, you can feel confident that your LARP weapon will provide the safety and appeal you want when crafting your battlefield kit.


  • Meant to be used as the final line of defense, and also as a utility tool
  • Designed to be versatile, capable of slashing or thrusting effectively
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Please inform me as soon as the product is available again.
$155.00 *

Prices incl. GST. Shipping costs may apply.

Click here to see sizing charts.

This product will be released at 1 September 2024

  • VI230FD8SF
Freydis was one of the leaders of a dangerous expedition to Vinland. Many perils awaited her... more
Product information "Freydis Dagger"

Freydis was one of the leaders of a dangerous expedition to Vinland. Many perils awaited her and her group: hunger, disease and strange natives with unknown forces and tactics. After her arrival, things were quick to become sour: relentless attacks made her allies weakened and fearful. During one of such raids, she saw her allies and warriors fleeing the battle. But she would not budge. Grabbing her sword, she proceeded to inflict herself a terrible wound to show her comrades she would not back down. With an inspiring battlecry, she charged head first into battle, which shook her allies, who came to her side. The sword she held this day became legend, and many believe they will never know fear while holding it.



Brass-coloured, the guard and pommel surround a leather-like handle, adorned with brass rings. Its thin blade is silver for an added realism. The whole dagger is made of the safest foam there is: the Calimacil foam. With its increased durability and safety, the sword will remain to your side for years.


This blade was made with Vikings in mind. However, many other germanic characters can use it to its fullest, such as barbarians, noblemen and shieldmaidens. However, it’s not because this sword is prestigious that Orcs and dark liches can’t profit from its sharp blade, so stay alert!

Height: 46cm
Width: 6cm
Weight: 200g
Material: CaliFoam
Maintenance: Store in cold, dark location to prolong shelf life
Related links to "Freydis Dagger"