Article successfully added.

Foam Spear Haft Padding

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This lightweight NBR Foam Sleeve offers good protection and customization for your pikemen, ensuring that your spears are safe for friend and foe alike.

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Founded in 2004 in the cold windswept plains of the eastern Canada, Calimacil set out from its inception to become a world-class supplier of high-end LARP and historical re-enactment foam weapons. Our lavishly decorated designs are inspired by the martial lore of history, legends and stories taken directly from the dreamscapes of heroic fantasy. Our products are manufactured by an eager band of artisans made of passionate LARP players, martial arts practitioners and hardcore gamers. Playing is a fundamental part of the company's ethos as it focuses our creative energies and drives us to create new exciting weapons models. best foam weapon to play with.

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CUSTOMER'S PLEASE NOTE: Calimacil are currently working on a redesigned version of the telescopic spearhead. We are not expecting new stock until mid 2022.

A DIY spearhead, with internal compression mechanism, to attach to a haft that will allow for safely stabbing at people from a distance.
The telescopic spear heads are made of safe and extremely durable Calimacil foam. Their core are, however, different from other weapons: they help to absorb impacts by compressing itself with the help of a piston mechanism. This ensures that the weapon will take back its shape after a strike, and can thus be used safely for thrusting. The telescopic spear heads need to be attached to a pole before use. They are delivered mounted on a high durability rounded edge hollow hard urethane shaft. The external diameter measures 30 mm while the internal diameter measures 15 mm. 

Please talk to your game marshalls before purchase, construction, and on-field use.

" ["esd"]=> bool(false) ["articleName"]=> string(33) "Telescopic Spearhead II - Model A" ["taxID"]=> int(17) ["tax"]=> float(10) ["instock"]=> int(0) ["isAvailable"]=> bool(false) ["hasAvailableVariant"]=> bool(false) ["weight"]=> float(0.6) ["shippingtime"]=> NULL ["pricegroupActive"]=> bool(false) ["pricegroupID"]=> NULL ["length"]=> float(30) ["height"]=> float(50) ["width"]=> float(30) ["laststock"]=> bool(true) ["additionaltext"]=> string(0) "" ["datum"]=> string(10) "2013-09-19" ["update"]=> string(10) "2024-05-13" ["sales"]=> int(0) ["filtergroupID"]=> NULL ["priceStartingFrom"]=> NULL ["pseudopricePercent"]=> NULL ["sVariantArticle"]=> NULL ["sConfigurator"]=> bool(false) ["metaTitle"]=> string(33) "Telescopic Spearhead II - Model A" ["shippingfree"]=> bool(false) ["suppliernumber"]=> string(0) "" ["notification"]=> bool(false) ["ean"]=> string(0) "" ["keywords"]=> string(41) "diy,spear,head,calimacil,polearm,medieval" ["sReleasedate"]=> string(0) "" ["template"]=> string(0) "" 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Founded in 2004 in the cold windswept plains of the eastern Canada, Calimacil set out from its inception to become a world-class supplier of high-end LARP and historical re-enactment foam weapons. Our lavishly decorated designs are inspired by the martial lore of history, legends and stories taken directly from the dreamscapes of heroic fantasy. Our products are manufactured by an eager band of artisans made of passionate LARP players, martial arts practitioners and hardcore gamers. Playing is a fundamental part of the company's ethos as it focuses our creative energies and drives us to create new exciting weapons models. best foam weapon to play with.

" ["supplierMedia"]=> array(12) { ["id"]=> int(7958) ["position"]=> NULL ["source"]=> string(75) "" ["description"]=> string(16) "ofscienceand_398" ["extension"]=> string(3) "jpg" ["main"]=> NULL ["parentId"]=> NULL ["width"]=> int(201) ["height"]=> int(100) ["thumbnails"]=> array(1) { [0]=> array(6) { ["source"]=> string(77) "" ["retinaSource"]=> NULL ["sourceSet"]=> string(77) "" ["maxWidth"]=> string(0) "" ["maxHeight"]=> string(0) "" ["attributes"]=> array(0) { } } } ["attributes"]=> array(0) { } ["attribute"]=> array(0) { } } ["supplier_attributes"]=> array(0) { } ["newArticle"]=> bool(false) ["sUpcoming"]=> bool(false) ["topseller"]=> bool(false) ["valFrom"]=> int(1) ["valTo"]=> NULL ["from"]=> int(1) ["to"]=> NULL ["price"]=> string(6) "125,00" ["pseudoprice"]=> string(1) "0" ["referenceprice"]=> string(1) "0" ["has_pseudoprice"]=> bool(false) ["price_numeric"]=> float(125) ["pseudoprice_numeric"]=> float(0) ["price_attributes"]=> array(0) { } ["pricegroup"]=> string(2) "EK" ["minpurchase"]=> int(1) ["maxpurchase"]=> string(3) "100" ["purchasesteps"]=> int(1) ["purchaseunit"]=> NULL ["referenceunit"]=> NULL ["packunit"]=> string(0) "" ["unitID"]=> NULL ["sUnit"]=> array(2) { ["unit"]=> NULL ["description"]=> NULL } ["unit_attributes"]=> array(0) { } ["image"]=> array(12) { ["id"]=> int(18838) ["position"]=> NULL ["source"]=> string(99) "" ["description"]=> string(0) "" ["extension"]=> string(3) "jpg" ["main"]=> bool(true) ["parentId"]=> NULL ["width"]=> int(1500) ["height"]=> int(1500) ["thumbnails"]=> array(3) { [0]=> array(6) { ["source"]=> string(107) "" ["retinaSource"]=> string(110) "[email protected]" ["sourceSet"]=> string(222) ",[email protected] 2x" ["maxWidth"]=> string(3) "200" ["maxHeight"]=> string(3) "200" ["attributes"]=> array(0) { } } [1]=> array(6) { ["source"]=> string(107) "" ["retinaSource"]=> string(110) "[email protected]" ["sourceSet"]=> string(222) ",[email protected] 2x" ["maxWidth"]=> string(3) "600" ["maxHeight"]=> string(3) "600" ["attributes"]=> array(0) { } } [2]=> array(6) { ["source"]=> string(109) "" ["retinaSource"]=> string(112) "[email protected]" ["sourceSet"]=> string(226) ",[email protected] 2x" ["maxWidth"]=> string(4) "1280" ["maxHeight"]=> string(4) "1280" ["attributes"]=> array(0) { } } } ["attributes"]=> array(0) { } ["attribute"]=> array(0) { } } ["prices"]=> array(1) { [0]=> array(22) { ["valFrom"]=> int(1) ["valTo"]=> NULL ["from"]=> int(1) ["to"]=> NULL ["price"]=> string(6) "125,00" ["pseudoprice"]=> string(1) "0" ["referenceprice"]=> string(1) "0" ["pseudopricePercent"]=> NULL ["has_pseudoprice"]=> bool(false) ["price_numeric"]=> float(125) ["pseudoprice_numeric"]=> float(0) ["price_attributes"]=> array(0) { } ["pricegroup"]=> string(2) "EK" ["minpurchase"]=> int(1) ["maxpurchase"]=> string(3) "100" ["purchasesteps"]=> int(1) ["purchaseunit"]=> NULL ["referenceunit"]=> NULL ["packunit"]=> string(0) "" ["unitID"]=> NULL ["sUnit"]=> array(2) { ["unit"]=> NULL ["description"]=> NULL } ["unit_attributes"]=> array(0) { } } } ["linkBasket"]=> string(41) "shopware.php?sViewport=basket&sAdd=M020ZB" ["linkDetails"]=> string(43) "shopware.php?sViewport=detail&sArticle=3178" ["linkVariant"]=> string(57) "shopware.php?sViewport=detail&sArticle=3178&number=M020ZB" ["hasNewPromotionProductPrice"]=> bool(false) ["ngsProductAvailabilityState"]=> string(13) "not_available" } [1]=> array(142) { ["articleID"]=> int(3179) ["articleDetailsID"]=> int(10477) ["ordernumber"]=> string(6) "M021ZB" ["highlight"]=> bool(false) ["description"]=> string(0) "" ["description_long"]=> string(1018) "

CUSTOMER'S PLEASE NOTE: Calimacil are currently working on a redesigned version of the telescopic spearhead. We are not expecting new stock until mid 2022.

A DIY spearhead, with internal compression mechanism, to attach to a haft that will allow for safely stabbing at people from a distance.
The telescopic spear heads are made of safe and extremely durable Calimacil foam. Their core are, however, different from other weapons: they help to absorb impacts by compressing itself with the help of a piston mechanism. This ensures that the weapon will take back its shape after a strike, and can thus be used safely for thrusting. The telescopic spear heads need to be attached to a pole before use. They are delivered mounted on a high durability rounded edge hollow hard urethane shaft. The external diameter measures 30 mm while the internal diameter measures 15 mm. 

Please talk to your game marshalls before purchase, construction, and on-field use.

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Founded in 2004 in the cold windswept plains of the eastern Canada, Calimacil set out from its inception to become a world-class supplier of high-end LARP and historical re-enactment foam weapons. Our lavishly decorated designs are inspired by the martial lore of history, legends and stories taken directly from the dreamscapes of heroic fantasy. Our products are manufactured by an eager band of artisans made of passionate LARP players, martial arts practitioners and hardcore gamers. Playing is a fundamental part of the company's ethos as it focuses our creative energies and drives us to create new exciting weapons models. best foam weapon to play with.

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CUSTOMER'S PLEASE NOTE: Calimacil are currently working on a redesigned version of the telescopic spearhead. We are not expecting new stock until mid 2022.

A DIY spearhead, with internal compression mechanism, to attach to a haft that will allow for safely stabbing at people from a distance.
The telescopic spear heads are made of safe and extremely durable Calimacil foam. Their core are, however, different from other weapons: they help to absorb impacts by compressing itself with the help of a piston mechanism. This ensures that the weapon will take back its shape after a strike, and can thus be used safely for thrusting. The telescopic spear heads need to be attached to a pole before use. They are delivered mounted on a high durability rounded edge hollow hard urethane shaft. The external diameter measures 30 mm while the internal diameter measures 15 mm. 

Please talk to your game marshalls before purchase, construction, and on-field use.

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Founded in 2004 in the cold windswept plains of the eastern Canada, Calimacil set out from its inception to become a world-class supplier of high-end LARP and historical re-enactment foam weapons. Our lavishly decorated designs are inspired by the martial lore of history, legends and stories taken directly from the dreamscapes of heroic fantasy. Our products are manufactured by an eager band of artisans made of passionate LARP players, martial arts practitioners and hardcore gamers. Playing is a fundamental part of the company's ethos as it focuses our creative energies and drives us to create new exciting weapons models. best foam weapon to play with.

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Safe foam spear tips for LARPers!

The Epic Armoury Blunt Foam Spear Tip is designed for safe poking and stabbing at Larp events. Made from hard closed-cell foam with a laminated open-celled foam tip, this easy to install spear tip is what you need to create spears and pikes for your Larp. Each tip comes with the tip, a rip-resistant cover to prevent dirt from accumulating on the foam. This blunt spear tip is very soft and ultralight and possibly the safest on the market. It is simple to fix and replace and can be installed over most fibreglass, bamboo or aluminum poles. Always ask your local Larp chapter before purchasing the product to make sure it passes the marshal's safety check.

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  • D9005ZZD
This lightweight NBR Foam Sleeve offers good protection and customization for your pikemen,... more
Product information "Foam Spear Haft Padding"

This lightweight NBR Foam Sleeve offers good protection and customization for your pikemen, ensuring that your spears are safe for friend and foe alike.

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