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Mighty Fish

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In the Whimsical Realm of Sillysea nestled between Mount Giggle and the Whispering Woods lies a legend about a mystical being known as "The Fish". This extraordinary Fish isn't your typical swimmer; it shimmers with scales that reflect laughter and twinkles mischievously with its eyes.

Locals discovered that regaling The Fish with absurd tales and jokes brings immense luck and joy. So, storytellers gather by the shores armed with their wackiest yarns, hoping to amuse The Fish. But catching The Fish isn't easy! Only those who tickle its funny bone with uproarious tales earn its favor, receiving a lifetime of laughter and blessings.

As word of The Fish spreads, travelers flock to Sillysea, seeking the creature that brings mirth to all who meet it. And so, the legend of The Fish lives on, spreading joy and laughter throughout the lands.

The Foam LARP Fish is an enchanting, lifelike companion designed to elevate your role-playing adventures. Crafted with intricate scales and vibrant paintwork, it's versatile, safe for battles, and perfect for comedic moments or quests. Embrace creativity and safety with this durable, entertaining addition to your gear!

Introducing Calimacil's Foam LARP Fish! Measuring 35cm in length, this enchanting foam creation is more than just a prop—it's an immersive, lifelike companion designed to enhance your role-playing adventures.

Crafted with meticulous attention to detail, our Foam LARP Fish boasts intricate scale patterns and vibrant paintwork that elevate its appearance, making it almost seem alive. The meticulously applied paintwork brings out its playful personality.

This foam fish isn't just a static prop; it's a versatile addition to your LARP gear. Whether used as a whimsical accessory for comedic moments, a storytelling tool, or a fun element in quests, its lightweight and durable construction makes it easy to wield in various scenarios.

The foam construction ensures safety during intense battles or playful encounters, allowing for worry-free interaction while maintaining an authentic appearance. Its flexibility and softness guarantee that even the most comedic or unpredictable moments won't break the illusion or cause harm. The Foam LARP Fish is also safe for throwing! Its soft and flexible foam material ensures worry-free fun!

Embrace the fun and creativity with Calimacil's Foam LARP Fish—a safe, durable, and entertaining asset for your next LARPing journey!

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Founded in 2004 in the cold windswept plains of the eastern Canada, Calimacil set out from its inception to become a world-class supplier of high-end LARP and historical re-enactment foam weapons. Our lavishly decorated designs are inspired by the martial lore of history, legends and stories taken directly from the dreamscapes of heroic fantasy. Our products are manufactured by an eager band of artisans made of passionate LARP players, martial arts practitioners and hardcore gamers. Playing is a fundamental part of the company's ethos as it focuses our creative energies and drives us to create new exciting weapons models. best foam weapon to play with.

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Shern de shern de herf! Sher de chicky en de farney hug!

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Founded in 2004 in the cold windswept plains of the eastern Canada, Calimacil set out from its inception to become a world-class supplier of high-end LARP and historical re-enactment foam weapons. Our lavishly decorated designs are inspired by the martial lore of history, legends and stories taken directly from the dreamscapes of heroic fantasy. Our products are manufactured by an eager band of artisans made of passionate LARP players, martial arts practitioners and hardcore gamers. Playing is a fundamental part of the company's ethos as it focuses our creative energies and drives us to create new exciting weapons models. best foam weapon to play with.

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CAPTAIN AHAB the Monomaniacal Captain of the whaling ship Pequod. A Mission cut short by this Dastardly Captains foolhardy desire to seek revenge against the Whale that took his leg. The Hero Moby-Dick dragged the Captain to the depths without his trusty knife to free himself.


The Fishing Knife is a simple yet very detailed dagger. Its steel blade has a smooth curve to help gut fishes and prepare meat. Its handle has a rich wooden texture with tarnished gold details. Made of our unique Calimacil foam, this dagger will remain safe even after years of use, and its realism makes it a perfect piece for historical reenactment as well as LARP.


Everyone should have a knife. Chefs will appreciate its use in the kitchen, while adventurers always need to cut rope, fight in a tavern or hide a small dagger during stealth missions. Its historic design is fit for reenactment as well as fantasy settings.

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Founded in 2004 in the cold windswept plains of the eastern Canada, Calimacil set out from its inception to become a world-class supplier of high-end LARP and historical re-enactment foam weapons. Our lavishly decorated designs are inspired by the martial lore of history, legends and stories taken directly from the dreamscapes of heroic fantasy. Our products are manufactured by an eager band of artisans made of passionate LARP players, martial arts practitioners and hardcore gamers. Playing is a fundamental part of the company's ethos as it focuses our creative energies and drives us to create new exciting weapons models. best foam weapon to play with.

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Sometimes you need to be able to form an angry mob and you require flaming torches and pitchforks.

Other times you're merely disgruntled and need to ride a disgraced Lord out of town by pelting them with a variety of fresh produce...

Note: As with the throwing fish, we may have not (definitely have not) accurately named the vegetables. If you are after a very specific vegetable, we advise confirming with us before we send out your order. We endeavour to send out the selected vegetable with the corresponding image.

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When hurling vegetables isn't enough, but flaming torches and pitch forks are too far...

A coreless, LARP combat suitable fish between 30cm and 45cm.

We are aware that we used to allow you to select the species of fish, but it was genuinely becoming too complex to maintain that with supplier inventories changing so regularly. So now if you need to specific fish and you're not able to make it in store, please leave a comment with your order and we will do our best to accomodate it but steadfastly make no guarantees you will receive that model.

" ["esd"]=> bool(false) ["articleName"]=> string(20) "Random Throwing Fish" ["taxID"]=> int(15) ["tax"]=> float(10) ["instock"]=> int(4) ["isAvailable"]=> bool(true) ["hasAvailableVariant"]=> bool(true) ["weight"]=> float(0.5) ["shippingtime"]=> NULL ["pricegroupActive"]=> bool(false) ["pricegroupID"]=> NULL ["length"]=> float(10) ["height"]=> float(20) ["width"]=> float(30) ["laststock"]=> bool(false) ["additionaltext"]=> string(0) "" ["datum"]=> string(10) "2022-09-07" ["update"]=> string(10) "2024-04-23" ["sales"]=> int(10) ["filtergroupID"]=> NULL ["priceStartingFrom"]=> NULL ["pseudopricePercent"]=> NULL ["sVariantArticle"]=> NULL ["sConfigurator"]=> bool(false) ["metaTitle"]=> string(20) "Random Throwing Fish" ["shippingfree"]=> bool(false) ["suppliernumber"]=> string(0) "" ["notification"]=> bool(true) ["ean"]=> string(0) "" ["keywords"]=> string(80) "fish,throwing,larpmedieval clothing,medieval costumes,mediaeval,fantasy costumes" ["sReleasedate"]=> string(0) "" ["template"]=> 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Full of ocean fresh microplastics and just a hint of mercury, these fish filled dice will have you rolling at your next game and feeling a bit koi.


  • 1D4
  • 1D6
  • 1D8
  • 2D10 (one marked for use in percentile rolls)
  • 1D12
  • 1D20

Carry pouch included

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You’ve been baking all day, preparing the meat pies sold in your shop window. Flour cakes your arms up to your elbows, and as you wipe at your forehead with the back of your hand, you leave more flour on your face. As you prepare another crust, you see a pair of small hands nabbing a pie from your counter.

You are well versed in pie-thieves, and wielding your Rolling Pin, you thwack the would-be thief across the knuckles. The halfling squeals in pain, running out the shop door as you return to baking. Good riddance!


Epic Armoury’s Rolling Pin is a coreless prop that can be especially handy in emergency homestead defense, or teaching pie-thieves and lazy, good-for-nothings a lesson. Life-sized, this pin is 42 cm long with 10 cm handles on either side. Handpainted and sculpted, this Rolling Pin appears to be made of real wood.

Made from coreless durable closed cell foam and finished with a strong latex coating, you can feel confident that this throwing weapon will provide the safety and appeal you want when crafting your kit.


  • Used to shape and flatten dough as a food preparation tool
  • Seen wielded by angry housewives in cliché humor
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Never go into battle before first tasting your favorite ale. That is the advice you would give any of your fellow Dwarves, for you never know when this may be your last fight.

You slam your Beer Mug onto the table as you await the finest dark ale you know. The tavern was quiet before you walked inside, tense with the anticipation of a coming war, but you are loud and bring life back to its walls. You raise a toast to the barkeep and to any nearby, granting them glory on the battlefield before drinking deeply from your mug.

It would be a true shame to leave this world while thirsty.


Epic Armoury’s Beer Mug with Metal Bands is a throwing weapon handy for impromptu fights against other midnight boozers. The beer mug is cylindrical, standing 20 cm tall with a 18 cm diameter. The mug is carved with a wood texture and coloured brown to resemble the staves of a cask, rimmed with riveted metal-hoops. The hoops connect to the metal-coloured handle which is 8 cm deep, leaving plenty of room for grip. The inside is coloured black, mimicking a dark wax typically found on the inside of wooden mugs.

Made from coreless durable closed cell foam and finished with a strong latex coating, you can feel confident that this Beermug will provide the safety and appeal you want when crafting your kit.


  • Also called a “tankard,” which originally referred to any wooden drinking vessel
  • Similar to the earliest form of a tankard, which did not have a lid and resembled a barrel
  • Earliest form has been found from as far back as 2000 years ago
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It's not holy, but it does the job

You first found a Hand Grenade while scavenging. Some soldier had it stashed in her pack, unused against the invading dead. She wouldn’t miss it, so into your own pack it went.

The only thing is, you aren’t really sure what the Hand Grenade does! You expect that it will create an explosion--but there’s only one real way to find out. You won’t miss your chance to use it if the need should arise.


Dark Moon’s Hand Grenade is a realistic looking grenade designed to be used as a throwing weapon in a post-apocalyptic world. Whether it contains shrapnel, sleep gas, or disorienting smoke, there is one thing for certain: this hand grenade is extremely useful!

This Hand Grenade is available in black, and is sculpted and handpainted to look like heavy metal. Its 7.5 cm diameter fits great in the hand, with a realistic safety pin detailed on the top. Made from coreless durable closed cell foam and finished with a strong latex coating, you can feel confident that this Hand Grenade will provide the safety and appeal you want when crafting your LARP kit.


  • Commonly used for centuries
  • Used during the 21st century to negate an opponent’s cover
  • True grenades might contain explosive fragments, sleep gas, or smoke
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... Ouch!

Use this brick to convert your enemies into the foundation of your next corpse pile. Made from foam and latex, it's also the perfect option for when you want to throw a brick at someone but still be friends after.


The trick is never to stay in one place for too long. Inevitably the undead will sniff you out of your hiding hole, and you’ll find yourself cornered by an endless sea of flesh-hungry abominations. Unfortunately, while you’re on the move, your last encounter emptied the last of your bullets. With only an empty gun you’re defenseless.

You take refuge in an old hardware shop, looking for a new weapon. The place has been picked clean. That’s when you spot the pile of old bricks with a dusty and crooked ‘for sale’ sign. You pick up one, liking the weight. It will be good to have while you search for something better.


Epic Armoury's Brick is a realistic looking brick designed to be used as a throwing weapon in a post-apocalyptic world. Whether your post-apocalypse has been caused by a nuclear holocaust, natural disasters or disease, there is one thing the broken city will always have aplenty: damaged bricks. This brick has been realistically detailed with chips and cracks, and is handpainted to appear partially burnt.

Made from coreless durable closed cell foam and finished with a strong latex coating, you can feel confident that this Brick will provide the safety and appeal you want when crafting your kit.


  • Traditionally made from clay to make walls, pavements, and other masonry
  • Fired bricks are one of the strongest and longest lasting building materials
  • Fired bricks have been used since at least 5000 B.C., with air-dried bricks dating back even further
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$74.00 *

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  • WE0138
In the Whimsical Realm of Sillysea nestled between Mount Giggle and the Whispering Woods lies a... more
Product information "Mighty Fish"

In the Whimsical Realm of Sillysea nestled between Mount Giggle and the Whispering Woods lies a legend about a mystical being known as "The Fish". This extraordinary Fish isn't your typical swimmer; it shimmers with scales that reflect laughter and twinkles mischievously with its eyes.

Locals discovered that regaling The Fish with absurd tales and jokes brings immense luck and joy. So, storytellers gather by the shores armed with their wackiest yarns, hoping to amuse The Fish. But catching The Fish isn't easy! Only those who tickle its funny bone with uproarious tales earn its favor, receiving a lifetime of laughter and blessings.

As word of The Fish spreads, travelers flock to Sillysea, seeking the creature that brings mirth to all who meet it. And so, the legend of The Fish lives on, spreading joy and laughter throughout the lands.

The Foam LARP Fish is an enchanting, lifelike companion designed to elevate your role-playing adventures. Crafted with intricate scales and vibrant paintwork, it's versatile, safe for battles, and perfect for comedic moments or quests. Embrace creativity and safety with this durable, entertaining addition to your gear!

Introducing Calimacil's Foam LARP Fish! Measuring 35cm in length, this enchanting foam creation is more than just a prop—it's an immersive, lifelike companion designed to enhance your role-playing adventures.

Crafted with meticulous attention to detail, our Foam LARP Fish boasts intricate scale patterns and vibrant paintwork that elevate its appearance, making it almost seem alive. The meticulously applied paintwork brings out its playful personality.

This foam fish isn't just a static prop; it's a versatile addition to your LARP gear. Whether used as a whimsical accessory for comedic moments, a storytelling tool, or a fun element in quests, its lightweight and durable construction makes it easy to wield in various scenarios.

The foam construction ensures safety during intense battles or playful encounters, allowing for worry-free interaction while maintaining an authentic appearance. Its flexibility and softness guarantee that even the most comedic or unpredictable moments won't break the illusion or cause harm. The Foam LARP Fish is also safe for throwing! Its soft and flexible foam material ensures worry-free fun!

Embrace the fun and creativity with Calimacil's Foam LARP Fish—a safe, durable, and entertaining asset for your next LARPing journey!

Height: 35cm
Width: 16cm
Weight: 280g
Material: CaliFoam
Maintenance: Keep stored on ice
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