Article successfully added.

Skull Trophy Mask

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Need a quick uniform look for your evil cultists and/or minions? 

Epic Armoury's skull trophy masks from the EpicEffects range have just landed, and add menace to any large group of people silently lining a hallway or bonfire. 

You'll have victims screaming "No! NO! NOT THE BEES!" in no time!


Your only name is the terrified shriek that stops abruptly when your steel meets flesh, your only color is the sanguine of night. As an assassin, you are nothing more than a mysterious and deadly shadow.

Your reputation precedes you, casting fear over the Seven Marrows. Only the most brutal and skilled warrior would dare to seek your masked face...known only as the horribly grinning skull beneath a hood.


Epic Armoury’s White Skull Trophy Mask is a latex face mask designed to look like a terrifying skull. Made from 100% natural latex, this mask covers the whole face--including over the chin--with roomy holes around the eyes and nose for comfort. The mouth, featuring intimidating fangs and protruding teeth, moves with your jaw to allow for visible and understandable speech.

The mask is set in a permanent glare with impressive sculpted and handpainted details, textured to look like painted bone. Secure the mask to your face using the adjustable elastic. Customize the mask’s appearance with Epic Effects Water-Based Makeup.


  • The word skull is probably derived from Old Norse skalli, which meant bald
  • Created as an easy and visually impressive alternative to undead makeup
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Weight:100 grams / 3,53 oz
Visor Length:20,0 cm
Visor Width:27,0 cm
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Prepared to die?
... because it's the singular of dice!

These fine resin dice add an air of mystery and theater to any setting in which they are used, and can be used to substitute any regularly numbered D6.
Purchase them individually, or as a set of 5.

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Either way, this weapon will stand out from other melee weapons as exceptionally sinister and alien. There is easily more to the story than meets the eye: Was it made from the bone of an ancient dragon? Does it curse its wielder? Can it create and control undead creatures? All three? The story behind the Bone Chopper is bad to the bone and entirely your choice!" ["description_long"]=> string(1520) "

“For a moment, my heart skipped a beat when he revealed his weapon to cut open the whale dragged ashore. The shaped and sharpened bone blade. The vulgar reinforcements. This blade resembled the bone-chopping sabres wielded by the nefarious warlocks during last night’s raid. However, I began to realise that while these blades could be used as foci for heinous spells, most were as before me: A simple tool by the nomadic people along these shores.”


The Bone Chopper is an iconic weapon for either tribal warriors utilising the bones of their megafauna prey or warlocks applying dark magic to shape bones into devastating weapons. Either way, this weapon will stand out from other melee weapons as exceptionally sinister and alien.

There is easily more to the story than meets the eye: Was it made from the bone of an ancient dragon? Does it curse its wielder? Can it create and control undead creatures? All three? The story behind the Bone Chopper is bad to the bone and entirely your choice!


  • Inspired by the Shamshir or Scimitar weapons of the middle east
  • Dark elves were first mentioned in Norse mythology as the “Dökkálfar” or “Svartálfar” written in the Prose Edda in the 13th century
  • Have also been referred to as “Drow” in the Dungeons & Dragons universe, made famous by R.A. Salvatore’s The Dark Elf Trilogy
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It is made of durable foam, and features a fiberglass core for stability. The sword has a silver coloured blade, a gold crossguard, and a black handle. The Harbinger II is ideal for LARPers who want a versatile weapon that can be used in various scenarios. The sword measures 109/121cm in total length, and weighs 520/550g. " ["description_long"]=> string(979) "
  • Too Har, Too Binger
  • Harbinger II - Horseman Boogaloo
  • I Still Har What You Binged Last Summer


The New Harbinger II Foam LARP Sword, a stunning creation from the Calimacil design team, draws inspiration from the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. Its handle is a masterpiece of intricate details, featuring Chainmail Knight pommel and demonic horse heads in the guard. This sword boasts a new paint scheme and a Centuriones Equitae blade, striking a perfect balance between menace and regal elegance. It's the embodiment of artistry and functionality in one remarkable piece.



This sword with its royal details is perfect for knights, noblemen, and lords, from our realm or from far away. However, the sword itself is calling any devilish characters to wield it up and bring the apocalypse to life or any other ill intents.

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Founded in 2004 in the cold windswept plains of the eastern Canada, Calimacil set out from its inception to become a world-class supplier of high-end LARP and historical re-enactment foam weapons. Our lavishly decorated designs are inspired by the martial lore of history, legends and stories taken directly from the dreamscapes of heroic fantasy. Our products are manufactured by an eager band of artisans made of passionate LARP players, martial arts practitioners and hardcore gamers. Playing is a fundamental part of the company's ethos as it focuses our creative energies and drives us to create new exciting weapons models. best foam weapon to play with.

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Your clan needs blood in order to perform a powerful ritual before battle. You have captured many new slaves, and the chief has decided to force them into a tournament. The losers shall be sacrificed.

As the clan’s shaman--dressed in the traditional Azog Robe--you await your first victim. There are cheers and roars of excitement from your fellow orcs as a human soldier is forced to fight one of his companions. In desperation to survive, his friendship quickly withers. His beaten opponent is brought before your altar, and with your knife you take the blood you need.


Epic Armoury’s Robe Azog is an ankle-length robe designed to appear rugged and tattered. Perfect for an orc or rustic ranger, this textured-cotton robe has been distressed along the hem to make it look older and worn. The robe’s hood, roomy sleeves and length combine ease of movement with the best degree of protection from wind, rain or sun. Made from cotton, this robe is easily made waterproof.

Secure this robe below the neck with a cotton tie-string through a soft leather plate. Whether it is worn open or closed, this versatile long-sleeved robe is an essential when adding layers to almost any character’s costume.


  • “Robe” is derived from Middle English robe (“garment”)
  • Traditionally used as a form of religious dress by monks and certain priests
  • Worn in traditional fantasy literature by magical characters
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The greatest adventurers document their journeys for posterity, so that one day their tales might be retold and remembered. You are still awaiting your first big adventure, but you are ready.

Your Leather Diary is safely stored in your pack, and the moment something grand happens you will be able to write it down. Personally, you’re hoping for a dealing with a dragon--but just a small one. Maybe a kobold, to start.


Epic Armoury’s Leather Diary is a small book with approximately 200 blank pages. Whenever you need to write down information or record data, do it by staying in character. The paper is heavy and textured, gathered into 16-24 page bundles bound at the spine with a fine leather cord.

The cover is made from stenciled top-grain leather which protects the pages inside. It is secured closed using a short leather strap with a brass buckle. Use this diary as the start of a secret tome filled with mysterious or infernal scribbles, a treatise, or simply as a personal in-game diary.


  • The earliest bound books in the Western world used parchment with leather-covered wooden covers
  • Many luxury medieval books had covers decorated with stamping and tooling
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a terrifying undead creature with this half mask. This mask is made of latex and covers the lower part of the face, leaving the eyes and nose free. The mask is easy to wear and remove, and can be combined with other prosthetics and makeup for a complete look. " ["description_long"]=> string(813) "

This detailed, realistic Undead half mask was designed to fit your face perfectly. It picks up all of your facial expressions, which will make your transformation impressively realistic. This latex prosthetic piece is applied with high quality Mastix spirit gum.

PLEASE NOTE: You will receive a dull bone-colored, undecorated latex mask. After you apply make-up to your Undead Half Mask, you may not look exactly like the undead warrior shown.

If you're looking for a perfect transformation, we recommend our Deluxe Mask Kits.

To learn more about our half masks, click here.


  • Bone-colored Undead latex half mask
  • 12 ml of practical brush-on Mastix spirit gum
  • Without teeth, make-up or other decoration
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Germany's finest maker of prosthetics and costumes

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The only reason a person carries around a wavy blade is because they want their victim to feel every stab as painfully as possible. You keep your Spider Dagger hidden beneath your cloak, waiting for the opportune moment to seek your revenge.

The man who has taken everything--your friends, your money, and even your good name--will emerge from the tavern, drunk and unaware what lurks in the alley waiting for him. You will make him pay dearly.


Epic Armoury’s Spider Dagger is designed for particularly evil characters, including those inspired by our Dark Elven Universe. The 26 cm wavy latex blade is meant to inflict greater pain, with a spider-web design carved into its surface to give it an eerie appearance. With great detail, the crossguard and pommel are sculpted and handpainted to appear jeweled and expensive, protecting an 11 cm handle wrapped in split-leather.

Whether you are an evil henchman or the nasty mastermind on the prowl, this is the dagger for you. Made from durable closed cell foam around a fibreglass core and finished with a strong latex coating, you can feel confident that your LARP weapon will provide the safety and appeal you want when crafting your kit.


  • Similar to an Indonesian Kris, which originated around 300 B.C.
  • Wavy blades are supposed to cut more while stabbing, which creates a wider wound
  • Was often associated with naga or dragons
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$49.95 *

Prices incl. GST. Shipping costs may apply.

Click here to see sizing charts.

Weight:100 grams / 3,53 oz
Visor Length:20,0 cm
Visor Width:27,0 cm


  • 20730100
  • 514631
Need a quick uniform look for your evil cultists and/or minions?  Epic Armoury's skull... more
Product information "Skull Trophy Mask"

Need a quick uniform look for your evil cultists and/or minions? 

Epic Armoury's skull trophy masks from the EpicEffects range have just landed, and add menace to any large group of people silently lining a hallway or bonfire. 

You'll have victims screaming "No! NO! NOT THE BEES!" in no time!


Your only name is the terrified shriek that stops abruptly when your steel meets flesh, your only color is the sanguine of night. As an assassin, you are nothing more than a mysterious and deadly shadow.

Your reputation precedes you, casting fear over the Seven Marrows. Only the most brutal and skilled warrior would dare to seek your masked face...known only as the horribly grinning skull beneath a hood.


Epic Armoury’s White Skull Trophy Mask is a latex face mask designed to look like a terrifying skull. Made from 100% natural latex, this mask covers the whole face--including over the chin--with roomy holes around the eyes and nose for comfort. The mouth, featuring intimidating fangs and protruding teeth, moves with your jaw to allow for visible and understandable speech.

The mask is set in a permanent glare with impressive sculpted and handpainted details, textured to look like painted bone. Secure the mask to your face using the adjustable elastic. Customize the mask’s appearance with Epic Effects Water-Based Makeup.


  • The word skull is probably derived from Old Norse skalli, which meant bald
  • Created as an easy and visually impressive alternative to undead makeup
Material: Latex
Weight: 100g
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